Award Nominations

The Penable Award

Thanks a lot Amy for nominating me for this award. She is an amazing blogger and a good friend of mine. Astonishing, we have soo many similarities right from hobbies to having Myopia!😂

Do check out her page:


1. Tag your post with the Penable award.
2. Display the Penable award logo on your post and follow Penable if you haven’t already.
3. Thank the person who nominated you.
4. Answer the three questions you’ve been asked.
5. Nominate three inspiring people for this award.
6. Let them know of their nomination.
7. Give them three new questions to answer.


1. Do you like surprises? Have you ever surprised anyone?

Yes, I love surprises and surprising others.

2. Life is a blending of which three things, in your own point of view?

Its so simple: Live, Love, Laugh.

3. Is it true that trusting someone can be a strength or weakness? What do you say?

Trusting someone can be both strength and weakness. Having a trustworthy person can be a big strength to one.
On the other hand, trusting someone blindly can be one’s weakness as well.


1. Muralikrish

2. Sarah

3. Lrose5

My questions:

1. Who is that one person you are always grateful to?

2. Which is your favourite season and why?

3. What was your childhood ambition?

Liebstar Award

This award nomination is by tanaka_tkzy. He’s such an amazing writer. His posts are always eye-opening and mainly written for young adults out there. Do visit his page:


•Thank the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog
•Answer the 11 questions given to you
•Nominate 11 other bloggers
•Ask your nominees 11 questions
•Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

My Answers:

1. Tell something that I would never know about or your readers would never pick about you in your posts?

This was a piece of writing written by my friend. These are the characteristics of Hema, that my Wonderfolks hardly know.

2. Say something about #blacklivesmatter?

It’s a lot more than this hashtag.

3. What is your favourite posting time and why?

No favourite time! I post immediately after editing and proofreading.

4. Describe your lockdown in three words.

Everything is for good! (Why are you being so stingy Tan? I don’t think I can describe lockdown in just 3 words…😅 So, I broke your rules!😂)

5. Have you grown or diminished during this lockdown?

I definitely grew Taller, Stronger and Sharper!😎

6. How many hours do you dedicate for religion per week?

I spend approximately 7 hours a week.

7. What is the greatest piece of nature to you and why?

Every creation of nature is a remarkable one.

8. What is your greatest phobia and share some experiences of it?

To be honest, I don’t have any.

9. What is your favourite day of the week and why?

During school days, Sunday was the day I pamper myself. But now, things have changed. Every single day is my favourite one.

10. What is your favourite time of the day and why?

Mornings are always my favourite. They always keep me fresh and energetic.

11. Are you living the life that you imagined for this day five years ago?

I usually don’t think about how, life would be after such a long time period…To be honest, I really can’t keep them in mind even if I try to assume or dream about it.

Interesting questions Dr. Tanaka and thanks again for nominating me.

I Nominate all my Wonderfolks for this Award.

I pass on the same questions to them.

Happy Blogging!!!

See you later-Wonderfolks 🖤

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