A tiny letter to my daughter

Dear Sunshine,
Since I raise you, I know you are strong but this short letter is to make you even more stronger, I’ve written about things I wanted to tell you for so long but couldn’t. I can’t utter them looking straight at your eyes, they are the crystal balls in which my future lies, you, my only weakness.

The world outside our doorstep is unpredictable, they keenly look for your flaws and point out faults. Not all hugs are generous, not all sweet words are straight from heart.
beware. there’s a devil inside every human.

You don’t have to be a ferocious lioness, destructive tornadoes are initially calm. Don’t let anyone doll you up, take your own decisions, it’s okay if they are incorrect, learn from mistakes. Be gentle with your body, it bears the pain you give, scars, bruises, carry it with utmost gracefulness, it belongs to you and only you. Scream and shout if you’re pressurised, being selfish is no wrong, live for yourself and others comes the next.

If they burn you alive with harsh words, rise from the ashes, more powerful this time.

Remember, you are daughter of a Sun , Goddess already and universe’s purity.

I wished to write this for so long and I finally fulfilled it today.

Thank you so much for reading! ❤️

19 thoughts on “A tiny letter to my daughter

  1. The world in us
    is older than
    the view

    the perception
    our judgment

    im here and now
    with our senses
    our eyes

    about the bad guys
    who really do

    our life
    can take

    our body
    make us slaves
    and destroy us

    everything that happens to us
    inside of us
    in the real world

    starts with awareness
    in ourselves

    we are vulnerable
    the inner world
    the outside world
    whether woman
    whether man
    exposed in a dependency

    we are the stranger
    who threatens us
    we are ourselves

    we are not defeated gods
    we have no spiritual power

    we are not the good god
    the evil
    with our omnipotence
    from our mother earth
    can completely destroy

    with human violence
    to multiply good over evil

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Masterpiece! I’m too overwhelmed to comment. This is simply sooo beautiful! Your empathy, the kind of imagery you choose to evoke, your brilliance with words, simply ethereal! I’m saving this screenshot in my gallery forever. Have to look at something when I need external nourishment. Just how beautiful is this!


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