Fall in love with me

Fall in love with me,
i’ll immortalise you,
your smile, your giggles,
your cries, your sobs,
your strengths,
your weaknesses
In my poems and
treasure them in
ink blots.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll show you the
beauty in pearls,
sugar beads,
coffee mugs, crayons,
daisies, curtains,
your palms and
circles under eyes.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll align all my stars,
tracing path to moon,
to live like great
lovers on earth,
i’ll start from
where you stop,
and complete until
i die.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll sew you a blanket
of hope,
which i’ll curl on over you,
i’ll turn your empty
notebooks to
gallery of skies,
burnt orange,
vagrant white and
azure black.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll take you to a
world full of
melancholic metaphors,
artistic imageries,
of whose walls
are filled with
Van Gogh’s paintings.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll play with your shadows
until they fade away,
i’ll bury you in my chest,
sharing breath,
letting heartbeats sync
igniting our dying cells,
giving new life.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll build you a garden of
sunflowers, pine trees,
honey bees,
i’ll take you eleven
miles from the city
and get you wildflowers,
kiss you wilder .
Fall in love with me,
i’ll paint you with pastels
of love and intimacy.

Fall in love with me,
i’ll love you like i
always wanted to.

Fall in love with me,
rescue me from,
the broken streets,
from the air of
unrequited love.
find me, fix me,
with bandages
and be my euphoria
in dreadful days.

I’ll wait for you,
look for you
in library racks,
in park chairs,
in ruptured
dandelions and
shooting stars.

Find me, love me,
promising that you
wouldn’t leave me
like a lingering
single-digit number,
yet another time.

//an audacious lover’s tale//

I wanted to rescue this from the drafts and somehow managed to complete this piece. Hope it turned out well.

It’s been a year since I wrote my first poem. If someone asks if a poem can change one’s perspectives, thoughts, opinions, I would say ‘yes’ as it changed mine. When I look back at the journey in writing the result is a graph showing both progress and mistakes. It’s overwhelming to see where and how I stand today, this wouldn’t have been possible without the persistent encouragement. Most of the bloggers who read and comment today, were with me here for a very long time that you can see their comments in the older posts too. I would be eternally grateful for the love and support! ❤

48 thoughts on “Fall in love with me

  1. Your blue eyes
    have been hiking since
    half a century
    through my heart
    I was afraid
    Your lips
    like petals
    at your request
    that they break
    You beloved
    the nectar of it
    to kiss
    wanting to drink from it

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wanted to pick a favourite line from the poem but God, you made it so hard by making every line INCREDIBLY STUNNING! This is what a masterpiece looks like! This poem is like the smell of rain, new clothes and new books. Like the touch of a flower, like a cup of hot chocolate. Brutally great! 👌👌

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “Frame Of Soul” True This is Literally
    What Poetry is You Capture
    Essence in Three Words of

    The Title of What You
    Do Dear Poet Hemaltha

    And What You Do You Capture Best
    Your Greater Potential Face of God Now

    That Might Offend Folks Where i Come From
    Yet in India Folks See Namaste in Each Other

    And the
    Rest of
    So Pure and
    Real Your Poetry
    Evidence That You
    Wear A Face of Love
    Capable And Willing to
    Give, Share, Care, Freely So Warm

    You are This Face This Gift of God Now
    Do Keep Increasing All Your Loving Potential..:)

    Liked by 1 person

      Thank you so much for being here, reading my poems and sharing your emotions. They are my world. Your appreciation makes my world more beautiful and contented!
      Grateful for ever! 🌻❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. SMiles Hemalatha
        You Deserve All
        Applause For

        LoVE iN
        A Poem

        So Delightful
        All my Pleasure to Read
        my Wish is For Someone

        To Find
        You And
        Love You This Way
        Making Your Art


        For You
        With SMiles🙌😊🏝

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This poem is simply divine. The repetition, the soothing flow, the love throughout and the beauty in each line is just breathtaking! Magically done, my dear friend. You are one amazing poetess 🖤🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Ace. Its so sweet of you to say that! My heart is full right now! I hardly use repetition as I consider that it is one of the most beautiful and powerful poetic device. I don’t know how it got into this poem. I’m super glad that you noticed it. Thank you for reading! 😘❤️🌻

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This is so beautiful and heartwarming, Hema! I thoroughly enjoyed the imagery you’ve used.

    Cheers to your entry into the second year on WordPress! I wish you keep writing more and make more memories here. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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