Wish and wishes

i drew this a month back :’)

Gazing at the sky which is sombre and starless, we wish for the moon to appear from the shadow of clouds, we wish for a rainbow to brighten the sky after every rain, we wish to forget the past and live the present, but somewhere our mind is caught up with regrets and ruminations.
We wish to lie on a cosy couch and enjoy life with a cup of chai, we wish to travel across skies and visit places, we wish to reconnect with the people who left as abruptly as they entered our lives, we wish to sit for a while and look the flowers blooming. We wish for many things, for perfect love, perfect partner, perfect life and what not? We wish so much and so many.

Apparently, “the world is not a wish-granting factory”, we know this, we are all aware of this bitter truth, but we still make a lot of wishes because we are all humans who secretly carry our inner child in heart, a few stop at the instant and make another wish, but a few accelerate their veins, think for a second, act and make their wishes come true.
If you wonder what life is, it is full of fulfilled, unfulfilled and yet to be fulfilled wishes. Please don’t stop your heart from making wishes, every minute and every moment.

P.s: “Apparently, the world is not a wish-granting factory” is a famous line from John Green’s Novel- The fault in our stars.

August had been a hectic month with ups and downs, yet it was beautiful with a lot of learnings and new experiences. Let’s hope that September goes on smooth with beaming happiness and better accomplishments.

from the adoseofreminder

Happy new month, y’all! ❤️

49 thoughts on “Wish and wishes

  1. The world is not a wish granting factory. Yet there are times when we can’t stop ourselves from making wishes. They may or may not be granted but we still make them anyway. Beautifully written, Hema. I hope you have a great September

    Liked by 2 people

  2. and let the 1st thought on the 1st day of September bring a clarity of action too… so, I read your post and felt a little sad maybe my own reaching inside was, afterall is said and done, a summer time madness. I throw open one of my favourite go to, in confusion, reads happen across a writer by the name of Cieszkovski. How have I missed this before I wonder. Then tá dah the mystery of us all slaps me in the face. For if we are to make a wish and wishes for this and that, we must too be open to receiving the gift from others known and unknown and actually notice their contribution in granting our wish too. It is often said that we must be careful of what we wish for because it may come true. It is afterall about the trust we have in each other and knowing that this is indeed our phoenix child finding voice. So thank you dear Hema for your 1st of September thoughtfulness and should you ever want to explore this line of inquiry I commend The Principle of Hope by Ernst Bloch… 3 volumes and 1500 pages wou make it a good winter read… btw I have been reading it for 5yrs and am still no where nearer… but today you have helped me understand pgs 267-282 a section called ‘the password and its meaning’ and it is this that wishes are for…..

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have read many pages of this book Hema, and sure I can repeat the words and have a generalised sense of it all, but those particular pages are one of the keys to a deeper understanding of Feuerbach Thesis II of XI. Quite a significant change in my knowing and so much so it provides an experience of a wish coming true. What one calls Marxism today neglects to say that its origins began with Marx replying to Feuerbach and turning the whole thing upside down by asking why our dreams and wishes don’t come true.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The book sounds super interesting. I would love to read it sometime in life. I’m glad my words helped you understand those sections.
        I’ve to google and know the meaning of the terms you mentioned as I’m not aware of them 🙈

        Liked by 1 person

      1. imagine flicking through a few pages on the web to find the voice of a couple of people I liked to hear about and read their stuff…. hiya Hema and Suma, I hope you are both well and happy… Alec


  3. What a beautiful piece, my dear Hema!! Your drawing is simply amazing and this piece is so divinely soothing. I absolutely love it and the melodic flow throughout! Always a gift to read your posts, you have such a gift! 🖤🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  4. SMiLes Dear Hemalatha Deeper our

    Well Wishes Grow for Others

    Deeper Our Souls

    Come to Fruition

    Flowers Are

    We Blooming More

    Colors Deeper And Deeper

    Our Well Wishing Colors Flowers

    Of Other Humans Blooming Spreading

    Dreams Coming Fruition We All Well Wish






    Living Trees
    Roots Vine Leaves

    Touching THere is No Room
    For Separation When Winds
    Become Leaves And Soils
    Hold New Life of Living

    Trees Still


    Fresh Souls
    GRoWinG Taller Than Ever Before..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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